Latest Technology
in Surveillance and Automation
Your Security is our Expertise

Founded in 2007, Securicorp is the leading manufacturer of Surveillance and Automation Products. Securicorp also offers a wide range of cutting-edge, state of the art technology products such as Network Cameras, Video Server, NVR, VMS, and Video Analytics.
Securicorp has been proven to be a leading team player in the surveillance market offering cost-effective, performance oriented, efficient and reliable technology products and solutions to our partners and clients. We have partnered and provided integrated scalable solutions with different leading establishments such as Oil and Gas, Education, Government, Homeland, Industrial, Banking, Retail, ports and more.
Securicorp is a leading provider of world-class Surveillance & Automation Products. We are a UK based company with offices around the globe. Security Solutions that fortify your freedom
We provide best of breed Surveillace and Video Technology Products and Solutions to our customers. Every move counts with our high definition surveillance solution
To set the best Industry standards, to continuously Innovate and bring cutting edge, efficient and reliable products to the Market. Explore and leave your premises to our best security solution
Securicorp introduced its latest range of security products that suits multi-vertical customer whether it’s a large enterprise or small and medium-sized business. Our products are developed through detailed customer research and understanding.